Start With a Celestial Surge ~ 3 Jan 2018

The year begins as Saturn in Capricorn barrels through the most object-dense portion of one of our galactic arms. He passes by a stream of binary, x-ray eclipsing pulsars, including the pulsar that spins the fastest. Take a moment to tune to the constancy and consistency of the pulsations. Look inside. Dive deep, then deeper, consider all sides of any issue at hand, then find the flow and groove onward. In the flow, with the pulsating messages heard, work can occur faster and more effortlessly than previously imaginable.

The most evident front page astrology headline reads that Mars and Jupiter align in Scorpio on the 6th. Assuming a clear course to a well-intended destination has been plotted, it’s a full speed ahead era. Damn the torpedoes. Apply the maximum of soul-driven passion and forge forward as if there’s no tomorrow - a sensation that Scorpio adores.

Truly this transit feels like a bit of a tsunami energetically and emotionally. However, it would unrealistic to assume that the transit is the waving of a magic wand to produce immediate results. The natural retrogradation cycle of Jupiter brings Jupiter back to the degree of the conjunction twice during the year. When Jupiter retrogrades to the conjunction point on or about May 12th, expect revisions, edits, improvements and enhancements. Some of these come from those from whom one solicits feedback. Some recommendations occur when a passerby makes a comment about the work in progress and annoyingly points out the essential elements required to enhance the efforts that no one has noticed. Or sometimes if sitting in contemplation, insights permit the goal to be redirected and new factors included that were not available at the time of initiation.

While it may feel that there are delays and unnecessarily fiddling with the forces in progress, it is important to realize needed tweaks and required changes such that they can more perfectly assure success. Come the first week of September, approximately nine months from the initial burst of the Mars-Jupiter conjunction, Jupiter returns to the degree of the conjunction, affording all benefits and rewards, assuming Saturn in Capricorn has been applied with conscientious gusto.

Also in play at the year’s start, Ceres in Leo, retrograde, square Jupiter in Scorpio. The Ceres-Jupiter squares began at the beginning of September with these bodies in Cancer and Libra, respectively. The cycle completes in the third week of May, with Ceres direct and Jupiter retrograde, conveniently on the heels of Jupiter’s retreat to the degree of the Mars-Jupiter conjunction at the commencement of the year.

Jupiter and Ceres in play together is a good thing. Jupiter stood out as the only god not afraid to engage Ceres and as lord of the gods, he was able to assuage her grievances and negotiate impossible peace between warring factions. In both of the upcoming Ceres to Jupiter squares a few things should be kept in mind. Maintain the moral high ground. If you do, based upon a well-principled platform derived from the greatest of cosmic insights, even city hall can be taken on and beaten. Ceres in Leo likely increases the fervor and pitch of ones self interest in any situation. It remains important to be clearheaded, free of ego, well-intended, and purged of any interest in revenge or retaliation.

Since Ceres is square Jupiter and Jupiter is conjunct Mars, this also means Ceres squares Mars. On January 4th this potentially incendiary aspect culminates. A few protocols can go a long way in ensuring that the volatility of both these bodies does not run amok. No need to win battles, and lose wars. There is no gain in laying waste to the world while satisfying your objectives. Ensure that the effort you seek to improve life circumstances can last and in its endurance, benefits all. Avoid anger impulses. Temper knee-jerk reactions. Assess instincts with intuition. Stay cool and consider the weight of the gravity of the situation should it be mishandled.

There is a solution to the Ceres-Mars square. Give the retrogradation of Ceres its proper due. Take time out for perspective and sorting complex issues with conflicting agendas and outcomes. As much as the effort may feel antithetical in the heat of the moment, calmness must be sought.

There is an astrological antidote. The day before the square, the Earth comes closest to the Sun in its annual revolution - Earth achieves perihelion.

Honor the Earth at perihelion. Bask in the solar emanations as Ceres in Leo would do well to require. Feel the solar warming in the bones and as the motive in marrow mellows, feel the warmth in your core. Seek the reassurance of conscious attention. Realize that your personal spaceship, Earth, receives solar energy - visible and invisible - through the shortest distance, and as a result, at the greatest intensity. Remember that your spaceship is shared with every other living entity on the planet. Decisions made, actions taken, and causes advanced need to be for the good of the entirely of the planet, and not to gratify the ego (Ceres Leo) or enact a vengeful path (Mars Scorpio). At the end of the day, efforts extended should serve all and the glow at sunset should ease and soothe.

Perihelion is an annual event for Earth. Keep in mind there is an organic and natural coming around of energies. Realize the importance of riding the tidal forces of ebb and flow. Find the fortune of following natural rhythms by synchronizing action with consciousness and the blessings of transits.

Let’s get this year tracking!

More soon.